English Courses

We found 19 courses available for you

Copywriting Techniques

4.2 hours

The Copywriting Techniques Workshop is a dynamic and engaging session …

What you'll learn
Headline Writing: Techniques to create attention-grabbing headlines that motivate readers to read on.
Power Words: Use of persuasive words to create emotion, urgency and engage with readers.
Storytelling: Techniques to weave stories into your writing to make it more compelling.
AIDA model: A classic copywriting formula that stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.
Social Proof: How to use customer reviews, case studies, and social proof to build trust with readers.
Call-to-Action: Tips to create compelling calls-to-action that encourage readers to take action.
Benefits vs. Features: Understanding how to highlight the benefits of your product or service rather than just its features.
Emotional Appeals: How to tap into your reader's emotions to make them feel more connected to your message.
Formatting: Strategies to make your copy visually appealing with headlines, subheadings, bullet points, and other formatting elements.

Email Marketing Platforms

2 hours
All Levels

An Email Marketing Platforms workshop is a training session focused …

What you'll learn
Overview of popular email marketing platforms
How to choose the right email marketing platform for your business
Features to look for in an email marketing platform
Integrating an email marketing platform with your website and other tools
Best practices for creating effective email campaigns
Creating email templates and designs with an email marketing platform
Managing your email list with an email marketing platform
Analyzing the performance of your email campaigns with an email marketing platform
Advanced features of email marketing platforms, such as automation and segmentation
Comparing the cost and value of different email marketing platforms.

Email Automation

3.7 hours

An email automation workshop is a training session designed to …

What you'll learn
Welcome emails: These are automated emails sent to new subscribers or customers to introduce your brand, provide important information, and set expectations.
Abandoned cart emails: These are automated emails sent to customers who have left items in their shopping cart without completing their purchase. They usually contain a reminder of the items left behind and sometimes offer a discount or promotion to encourage the customer to complete their purchase.
Drip campaigns: These are a series of automated emails sent over time to nurture leads and customers. They are often used for lead generation and to build relationships with customers.
Re-engagement campaigns: These are automated emails sent to subscribers who haven't engaged with your brand in a while. They aim to bring them back to your website, encourage them to make a purchase, or ask them to update their preferences.
Follow-up emails: These are automated emails sent after a specific action has been taken, such as a purchase or signing up for a free trial. They aim to provide additional information, ask for feedback, or promote related products.
Newsletter emails: These are regular automated emails sent to your subscribers to keep them updated on your brand, industry news, and promotions.
Event-triggered emails: These are automated emails sent in response to specific events, such as a birthday or anniversary, to provide a personalized experience for the recipient.
Product updates: These are automated emails sent to customers to inform them of product updates, new features, or bug fixes.