
We found 5 courses available for you

Emails & CTA

3.3 hours
All Levels

An Emails & CTA (Call-to-Action) Workshop is a training session …

What you'll learn
Crafting effective call-to-action (CTA) buttons in emails
Choosing the right placement for CTAs in emails
Using clear and concise language for CTAs in emails
Optimizing CTA copy for conversions
Creating urgency with CTAs in emails
Using contrasting colors for CTAs in emails
Testing different types of CTAs in emails
Making CTAs prominent in email templates
Including multiple CTAs in emails, if appropriate
Personalizing CTAs based on user behavior or preferences.

Emails & Fintech

4 hours
All Levels

An Emails & Payments workshop is a training session focused …

What you'll learn
How to use email to communicate payment-related information to customers
Best practices for sending payment-related emails, such as receipts and invoices
Strategies for using email to increase payment conversion rates
Examples of successful payment-related email campaigns
How to use email to manage payment-related disputes and issues
Tips for securing payment-related emails to protect customer information
Personalization techniques for payment-related emails to improve engagement and trust
Strategies for using email to promote new payment options or features to customers.

Emails & Metrics

2 hours
All Levels

An “Emails & Metrics” workshop is a training session designed …

What you'll learn
Open Rate: How to measure and increase the number of people who open your emails.
Click-Through Rate (CTR): Understanding what CTR is, how to calculate it, and how to improve it.
Conversion Rate: How to measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns in driving sales or other desired actions.
List Segmentation: How to segment your email list based on user behavior or other criteria to improve engagement and conversions.
A/B Testing: Best practices for testing different email content, subject lines, and calls to action to optimize your campaigns.
Unsubscribe Rate: How to monitor and manage your unsubscribe rate to maintain a healthy email list.
Deliverability: Strategies for improving email deliverability and reducing the likelihood of your messages being marked as spam.
Email Automation: How to use automated emails to increase engagement and conversions while saving time and resources.
Personalization: Tips for personalizing your emails based on user data to improve engagement and conversions.
Mobile Optimization: Best practices for optimizing your emails for mobile devices to ensure a positive user experience.

Email & Webinars

4.5 hours

The Email & Webinars Workshop is a comprehensive training session …

What you'll learn
Effective email marketing strategies for small businesses
The role of personalization in email marketing campaigns
How to write engaging subject lines that increase open rates
Tips for optimizing email content for mobile devices
Best practices for building an email list and maintaining subscriber engagement
Creating engaging webinar content that resonates with your audience
The benefits of using webinars for lead generation and customer education
Best practices for promoting your webinar and increasing attendance
How to use webinars to build thought leadership in your industry
Tips for hosting successful virtual events and managing technical issues.

Email Marketing & Subscriptions

2 Lessons
3.5 hours

An Email Marketing & Subscriptions Workshop is a hands-on training …

What you'll learn
Building an email list: strategies for growing your subscriber base
Creating effective email campaigns: tips for designing and writing engaging emails
Best practices for email subject lines: how to craft compelling subject lines that get your emails opened
Segmentation and personalization: using data to tailor emails to specific segments of your audience
A/B testing for email marketing: how to test and optimize your emails for maximum engagement
Email automation: streamlining your email campaigns with automated workflows
Email deliverability: tactics for ensuring your emails make it to your subscribers' inboxes
Email analytics: measuring the success of your email campaigns and making data-driven decisions for improvement
Compliance and legal considerations: staying up-to-date with email marketing regulations and avoiding spam complaints
Integrating email marketing with other channels: incorporating email into a broader marketing strategy to drive results.