
We found 40 courses available for you

Email Marketing & Business Intelligence

2 Lessons
2.5 hours
All Levels

The Email Marketing & Business Intelligence workshop is designed to …

What you'll learn
Segmentation and Personalization in Email Marketing
A/B Testing for Email Campaigns
Using Customer Data to Improve Email Marketing Strategy
Email Marketing Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Email Deliverability Best Practices
Predictive Analytics in Email Marketing
Integrating Email Marketing with CRM and Marketing Automation Platforms
Email List Growth Strategies and List Management Best Practices
Email Marketing and GDPR Compliance
Email Marketing and Data Privacy Best Practices.

Email Marketing & Artificial Intelligence

2 Lessons
3.5 hours
All Levels

The Email Marketing & Artificial Intelligence workshop is designed to …

What you'll learn
Automated Personalization in Email Marketing using AI
Email Subject Line Optimization with Machine Learning
Predictive Analytics for Email Marketing
AI-powered Email Content Optimization and Generation
Automated Email List Segmentation using Machine Learning
AI-driven Email Marketing Campaign Optimization
Chatbots and AI in Email Marketing
AI-powered Email Open and Click-Through Rate Optimization
Email Marketing and Natural Language Processing (NLP)
AI-powered Email Deliverability and Spam Filtering

Copywriting Techniques

4.2 hours

The Copywriting Techniques Workshop is a dynamic and engaging session …

What you'll learn
Headline Writing: Techniques to create attention-grabbing headlines that motivate readers to read on.
Power Words: Use of persuasive words to create emotion, urgency and engage with readers.
Storytelling: Techniques to weave stories into your writing to make it more compelling.
AIDA model: A classic copywriting formula that stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.
Social Proof: How to use customer reviews, case studies, and social proof to build trust with readers.
Call-to-Action: Tips to create compelling calls-to-action that encourage readers to take action.
Benefits vs. Features: Understanding how to highlight the benefits of your product or service rather than just its features.
Emotional Appeals: How to tap into your reader's emotions to make them feel more connected to your message.
Formatting: Strategies to make your copy visually appealing with headlines, subheadings, bullet points, and other formatting elements.

ChatGPT & Emails

5 hours
All Levels

The “ChatGPT & Emails” workshop is a hands-on learning experience …

What you'll learn
How to write effective emails using ChatGPT?
How ChatGPT can help you improve your email communication skills?
Using ChatGPT to automate email responses.
ChatGPT and email marketing: tips and tricks.
ChatGPT vs traditional email marketing techniques.
How ChatGPT can assist with email etiquette and professionalism.
ChatGPT's role in email security and spam prevention.
Using ChatGPT to personalize and tailor email content.
ChatGPT and email analytics: measuring the effectiveness of your emails.
ChatGPT and email automation: the future of email communication.

Email Marketing Platforms

2 hours
All Levels

An Email Marketing Platforms workshop is a training session focused …

What you'll learn
Overview of popular email marketing platforms
How to choose the right email marketing platform for your business
Features to look for in an email marketing platform
Integrating an email marketing platform with your website and other tools
Best practices for creating effective email campaigns
Creating email templates and designs with an email marketing platform
Managing your email list with an email marketing platform
Analyzing the performance of your email campaigns with an email marketing platform
Advanced features of email marketing platforms, such as automation and segmentation
Comparing the cost and value of different email marketing platforms.

Emails & Fintech

4 hours
All Levels

An Emails & Payments workshop is a training session focused …

What you'll learn
How to use email to communicate payment-related information to customers
Best practices for sending payment-related emails, such as receipts and invoices
Strategies for using email to increase payment conversion rates
Examples of successful payment-related email campaigns
How to use email to manage payment-related disputes and issues
Tips for securing payment-related emails to protect customer information
Personalization techniques for payment-related emails to improve engagement and trust
Strategies for using email to promote new payment options or features to customers.

Emails & Metrics

2 hours
All Levels

An “Emails & Metrics” workshop is a training session designed …

What you'll learn
Open Rate: How to measure and increase the number of people who open your emails.
Click-Through Rate (CTR): Understanding what CTR is, how to calculate it, and how to improve it.
Conversion Rate: How to measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns in driving sales or other desired actions.
List Segmentation: How to segment your email list based on user behavior or other criteria to improve engagement and conversions.
A/B Testing: Best practices for testing different email content, subject lines, and calls to action to optimize your campaigns.
Unsubscribe Rate: How to monitor and manage your unsubscribe rate to maintain a healthy email list.
Deliverability: Strategies for improving email deliverability and reducing the likelihood of your messages being marked as spam.
Email Automation: How to use automated emails to increase engagement and conversions while saving time and resources.
Personalization: Tips for personalizing your emails based on user data to improve engagement and conversions.
Mobile Optimization: Best practices for optimizing your emails for mobile devices to ensure a positive user experience.

Technical Email Marketing

3.3 hours
All Levels

The Technical Aspects of Email Marketing workshop is designed to …

What you'll learn
Email Service Providers (ESPs): An overview of the most popular ESPs and how to choose the right one for your needs.
Email Authentication: Understanding email authentication protocols such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to ensure email deliverability and prevent phishing attacks.
Email Design: Best practices for designing effective and visually appealing emails, including responsive design for mobile devices.
HTML and CSS for Email: Tips for coding email templates using HTML and CSS, taking into account email client limitations.
Email Deliverability: Strategies for improving email deliverability, such as maintaining a clean email list, avoiding spam filters, and improving sender reputation.
Email Tracking: How to track email opens, clicks, and other user actions using tools such as tracking pixels and UTM parameters.
Email Automation: Setting up and managing automated email campaigns using tools such as drip campaigns and triggered emails.
Email APIs: Using APIs to integrate email marketing tools with other applications and systems, such as CRMs and e-commerce platforms.
Email Personalization: How to personalize email content based on user data, such as past purchases or browsing behavior.
Email Testing: Best practices for testing email campaigns, including A/B testing, previewing emails across different email clients, and testing for accessibility